How to install a new toilet
Installing a new toilet is a bathroom upgrade that is doable even if you have little or no plumbing experience.
Step 1: Remove the Old Toilet
To remove an old toilet, first turn off the water supply and flush until the tank is empty. Then, disconnect the supply line from the tank, remove the plastic flange nuts from each side of the base and lift the toilet out of the room.

Step 2: Clean the Flange
To prepare the flange, scrape away the old wax, wipe with a cloth and remove the old flange bolts.

Step 3: Draw Reference Marks
Use a tape measure to locate the center of the flange and use a carpenter pencil to transfer reference marks to the floor that will help align the toilet during installation.

Step 4: Install New Flange Bolts and Wax Ring
Insert new flange bolts in-line with the reference mark on each side of the flange. Then, install the wax ring by firmly pressing it in place.

Step 5: Set with Body Weight
Now, lift the new toilet over the flange and hover as you line up the bolt holes to the reference lines. Then lower the toilet until the bolts pop through. Use body weight to sink the toilet into the wax ring.

Step 6: Check for Level
Next, use a level tool to plumb. Apply pressure front to back and side-to-side to assure the toilet is level and properly set. If needed, plastic shims can be used to level the base.

Step 7: Install Nuts and Caps
Install the flange nuts on both sides of the toilet and hand tighten. Then add the trim caps.

Step 8: Connect Filler Hose
Now connect the filler hose, turn the water on and let the tank fill.

Step 9: Test for Leaks
Once full, test flush and for check leaks. Then install the tank cover.

Step 10: Apply Sealant
Finally, add a bead of sealant around the base, tool with a damp cloth, and the toilet installation is complete.

Recommended tools for this project
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To reduce the risk of personal injury and property damage, read and follow all related product manufacturers instruction manuals and information before performing any of the applications shown. Some construction-related applications shown may not be allowed in your local area. Consult your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) before starting work for information on permits, applicable codes, and other regulations. STANLEY disclaims any responsibility for any damage to property or injury to persons as a result of misuse of the information provided.